Jobs: Newcastle Municipality CS 58/2016
Jobs: Newcastle Municipality CS 58/2016 Estelle Greeff
Department: Municipal Manager SED : Corporate Services (Fixed term performance contract for a period of five (5) years)
Post ID : CORP1
Remuneration: R1 035 906,00 – R1 430 538,00 (Annual total remuneration package). In accordance with Government Notice 381 of 1 July 2016.
The appointment made will be subject to the signing of an employment contract and performance agreement in terms of Section 57 of the Municipal Systems Act and will be done in accordance with the Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers.
The candidate will be required to disclose all financial interests and will be subjected to competency assessment.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor Degree in Public Administration / Management Sciences / Law or equivalent. 5 Years’ experience at middle management, and have proven successful management experience in administration. Code EB driver’s licence.
Compliance with all the requirements as contained in the Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competency Levels, Gazette 29967 of 15 June 2007.
Knowledge: Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation. Good knowledge and understanding of institutional governance systems and performance management. Good knowledge of corporate support services, including: Human capital management; Facilities management; Information communication technology; and Council support. Good knowledge of supply chain management regulations and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No. 5 of 2000). Good governance. Labour Relations Act, and other labour-related prescripts. Legal background and human capital management. Knowledge of co-ordination and oversight of all specialised support functions.
Responsibilities: Reporting to the Municipal Manager, the post operates at strategic level and provides strategic support to the business functions within Newcastle Municipality with the main focus being:
1. Implementation of the strategic goals as identified in the Integrated Development Plan of the municipality.
2. Ensuring the effective management and compliance of legislation and policies in respect of, amongst others, the following Key Performance Areas:
- Human Resources Management with specific reference to:
- Recruitment and Selection
- Human Resources Development
- Organisation and Work Study
- Labour Relations
- Occupational Health and Safety
3. Ensuring that the approved budget is executed in line with the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan of the Department of Corporate Services.
4. Providing support to the Portfolio Committees, Executive Committee, Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Council on the co-ordination and administrative aspects of such committees.
Strategic Executive Director: Budget And Treasury Office/Chief Financial Officer (Fixed term performance contract for a period of five (5) years)
Post ID: BTO1
Remuneration: R1 035 906,00 – R1 430 538,00 (Annual total remuneration package). In accordance with Government Notice 381 of 1 July 2016.
The appointment made will be subject to the signing of an employment contract and performance agreement in terms of Section 57 of the Municipal Systems Act and will be done in accordance with the Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers.
The candidate will be required to disclose all financial interests and will be subjected to competency assessment.
Minimum Qualifications: NQF Level 7 qualification in the fields of Accounting, Finance or Economics. Code EB driver’s license. Chartered Accountant will be an added advantage. The successful applicant must be a registered accountant.
Compliance with all the requirements as contained in the Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competency Levels, Gazette 29967 of 15 June 2007.
Experience: Minimum of 7 years at senior and middle management levels, of which at least 2 years must be at senior management level. A proven ability of communicating and negotiating at all spheres and levels of government, must be eligible for membership of the IMFO. Advanced leadership skills i.e. excellent interpersonal and managerial skills, strategic focus on financial reporting abilities. Appropriate understanding of generally Recognised Accounting Practices.
Additional Requirements: Strategic and visionary leadership, excellent written and verbal communication skills, ability to work under pressure and adhere to tight deadlines, clear understanding of legislation governing local government which, amongst others is, the Municipal Finance Management Act, Systems Act, Structures Act, Municipal Property Rates Act and other relevant legislation. Working knowledge and understanding of financial management as well as asset and investment management. Proven ability in the preparation and implementation of internal control and systems to ensure sound financial management.
Key Performancem Areas: Reporting to the Municipal Manager, the post operates at a strategic level with the main focus being to:
Provide an advisory service to Council and the Accounting Officer regarding financial policy matters. Ensure the implementation and adherence to the General Recognised Accounting Practices and Generally Accepted Municipal Accounting Practices. Compilation of monthly and annual financial statements. Manage revenue, debt collection, financial risk, budget and treasury office. Ensure accuracy in the monthly financial reports to Council and Provincial Treasury. Monitor municipal budget and overseeing debt collection initiatives. Oversee the efficient investment of council funds. Ensure implementation and execution of the indigent policy. Liaise with the Auditor General and other bodies which set financial standards to ensure effective compliance with the relevant legislation. Ensure compliance with the council’s Supply Chain Management Policy. Develop, implement and manage strategies, policies including review and update of some, procedures and plans for the directorates under his/her control, aligned with the strategic goals of the municipality through co-operation and innovative team work. Ensure that all council policies and relevant national and provincial legislation regarding financial matters are implemented in accordance with the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003).
Please note: Candidates are required to complete the prescribed “Annexure C” application form as per Government Gazette No. 37245 of 17 January 2014 which is obtainable from all Municipalities as well as the internet at (Failure to do so will result in the candidate being disqualified). Certified copies (not older than 3 months) of academic qualifications and a detailed CV must accompany your application.
It would be expected of candidates to be subjected to thorough evaluations and that previous and current employers and references will be contacted. Verifications will be done on his/her qualifications, criminal and credit records. For Municipal Finance Management Program, the candidate must attach a record of unit standards attended, to the application.
The candidate will be required to disclose all financial interest and will be subjected to competency assessment.
Appointment is subject to the signing of an employment contract and performance agreement in terms of section 57 of the Municipal Systems Act and will be done in accordance with the Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers.
The employee’s ordinary place to be stationed will be Newcastle, provided that the municipality may require the employee to work at such places within the Republic of South Africa as may be necessary, whether on a temporary or permanent basis and may require the employee to travel internationally in the performance of his duties.
Detailed CVs as well as the completed “Annexure C” application form referred to above can be forwarded to Mrs A Taljaard at the Directorate : Human Resources, Tower Block, Murchison Street, Office no. B563, Private Bag X6621, NEWCASTLE, 2940. For further information you may contact the Municipal Manager, Mr B E Mswane at 034 – 328 7750.
- Council will pay relocation expenses subject to the rules governing such scheme.
- Canvassing for appointment will automatically disqualify an applicant.
- If no reply to your application has been received within 60 days of the closing date, you should consider your application as being unsuccessful.
- The Directorate : Human Resources will not accept responsibility for information not mentioned in applications.
- NO late applications will be accepted.
- NO e-mails or faxes will be accepted.
- The Directorate: Human Resources will not be held responsible for lost applications unless proof of submission can be supplied.
- All applicants may be required to undergo a proficiency test.
- NO applications shall be considered without certified copies of the original documents of qualifications.
- The Newcastle Municipality adheres to the provisions as contained in the Employment Equity Act to ensure representatively through the process of affirmative action.
- It would be expected of candidates to be subjected to thorough evaluations and that previous and current employers and references will be contacted. Verifications will be done on his / her qualifications, criminal and credit records.
- Applicants must have no criminal record or pending criminal/departmental or civil cases.
- Applicants will be subjected to a vetting process which will include security screening and fingerprint verification.
- Applicants should be a South African citizen or permanent resident.
- SHOULD the candidate be successful in the interview and thereafter decline the offer, such candidate will be liable for all costs incurred to have the position re-advertised.
- The Municipality reserves the right not to make any appointment. Newcastle Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment.
Closing date: 16 November 2016