Director: Media Production
Chief Directorate: Communication Service Agency
Salary: An all-inclusive package of R1 057 326 per annum
Reference number: 3/1/5/1 – 20/75
Enquiries: Ms N Shuping, Tel: 012 473 0042
Director: Vuk’uzenzele
Chief Directorate: Products and Platforms
Salary: An all-inclusive package of R1 057 326 per annum
Reference number: 3/1/5/1 – 20/76
Enquiries: Mr T Seale, Tel: 012 473 0324
Centre: Pretoria
Closing date: Friday, 9 October 2020
Applications: The Director-General, Government Communication and Information System, Private Bag X745, Pretoria 0001, or hand deliver to Tshedimosetso House, 1035 corner Frances Baard and Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.
For attention: Mr S Ndlovu
Kindly visit for more information on the requirements and functions/key performance areas of these positions.