Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke is encouraging communities to participate in Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Census 2021 Mini Test, to ensure that quality data for evidence-based policy-making is collected.
The Mini Test runs from 9 October to 6 November in selected areas around the country.
Fieldworkers have already started visiting households in Buffalo City, Ekurhuleni, Mangaung, UMgungundlovu, Polokwane, Emalahleni, Kimberley, Rustenburg and Cape Town.
“Data collected remains confidential and covers demographic variables such as age, sex, language spoken, migration, education, employment status and household living conditions, among others,” said Maluleke. According to Stats SA, the Census Mini Test is being conducted to prepare for the upcoming Census in 2021.
It will test and review census data collection tools, systems and operational methodologies. Stats SA said Census 2021 will be the first population count to use new digital methods of data collection.
Fieldworkers will administer the census questionnaire face-to-face with respondents, using a computer-assisted personal interview.
Where applicable, a computer-assisted web interview is available to complete the questionnaire online.
“Population censuses are the key source of data about the population and the socio-economic dynamics in the country. The data collected through a census is used by different sectors of society, including government, business and other users, for evidence-based planning and decision making,” Maluleke said.
Field operations officers completed training ahead of the Mini Test to prepare them to implement the new methodologies.
Given the continued development of new settlements in the country, Stats SA said updating the geography frame is one of the key activities that guide fieldwork operations to ensure that all dwelling units are identified and recorded.
“Fieldworkers assigned to update the geography frame are already working across the country to ensure that a comprehensive list is developed.
They can be identified by their official Stats SA identification card, displaying the Stats SA logo, their photograph and a unique number,” said Stats SA.
Respondents can contact Census 2021’s toll-free number on 0800 110 248 or visit to verify fieldworkers visiting their home