
New machine certifies documents

Two innovators have designed a self-service certifying document machine that is set to make standing in long queues to certify documents a thing of the past.

Thabang Mamantsebe and Pule Maake, from Ekurhuleni in Gauteng, are the owners of E-Certify, a machine they invented to certify documents using biometric scans (using fingerprints or facial features to identify someone).

Learning about IP and legal rights

Government Communication and Information System, in collaboration with the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) – a specialised service delivery unit within the National Department of Science and Innovation – recently held a webinar about intellectual property (IP) and the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Act.

Make sure you have a will!

If you don’t have a valid will, you will have no control over who inherits your assets when you die. This might lead to people inheriting your money or assets, even if you didn’t want them to.

If a person dies without making a will, the assets that they owned will be distributed in terms of the Intestate Succession Act, to the people who must rightfully inherit them.

The Act sets out rules of how the estate must be distributed. It goes to close relatives first, in a specific order:

Support for the creative sector

The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture has begun its inaugural #ForTheRecord information sessions to keep the public informed about its economic recovery and reconstruction efforts for the creative sector.

The initiative comes after the department was repeatedly accused of being unresponsiveness and uncaring towards the creative sector.

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa says these sessions will be held regularly.

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