
Help learners cope with COVID-19

Parents and teachers can help learners cope with the anxiety and depression they are experiencing because of the Coronavirus Disease pandemic.

Learners have been faced with many challenges as a result of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and the lockdown restrictions.

There has been constant change in the learning environment at South Africa’s schools, which can leave learners feeling anxious and fearful.

Candice Cowen keeps others going

COVID-19 heroine stresses that mental health is an important aspect to happiness and quality of life.

Candice Cowen is helping others get through the COVID-19 pandemic.Mental health workers have had their work cut out for them during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

They have had to ensure people’s mental health, while putting their own fears, anxiety and heartbreak on the backburner.

More South Africans can get vaccines

With South Africa’s mass Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)vaccination programme reaching more people by the day, government has announced that from 1 September, those between 18 and 34 years of age will be vaccinated.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said the country’s vaccination drive has gained momentum in recent weeks, with more than 10% of the population having now received a vaccine dose.

“This has been possible through close collaboration between government and the private sector and with the active support of other social partners,” said the President.

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