
Save money for emergencies

It’s important to put some of your salary aside so that you have money for unforeseen expenses.

Savings Month, commemorated annually in July, is even more important this year due to the financial hardship many people are facing because of the Coronavirus Disease.

When the pandemic started in South Africa, many people could not go to work due the national lockdown.

Be part of the change

This Nelson Mandela  International Day South Africans are urged to ignite the embers of ubuntu and tackle food insecurity by working together. 

Nelson Mandela International Day, celebrated annually on 18 July, will focus on the fight against poverty this year and will be commemorated under the theme: One Hand Can Feed Another.

Prevent burns this winter

Just as winter brings with it the need to keep warm, it also increases the risk of burn injuries from candles, fires, stoves, heaters and boiling water.Flame burns can be devastating injuries.

“Burn injuries increase dramatically during winter and parents and caregivers need to be extra careful to ensure their own and their children’s safety,” says Doctor Gary Dos Passos.

IEC all set for Municipal Elections

The Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) says it is technically ready to conduct the 2021 Municipal Elections.

The elections are scheduled to take place on 27 October 2021.

Chairperson of the IEC Glen Mashinini said preparing for the country’s fifth Municipal Elections under uncertain and unpredictable conditions has seen the IEC dealing with one of the most difficult balancing acts in democratic history.

The youth are our greatest asset

On June 16th 1976, the youth of Soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of Bantu Education.

On that day and in the days that followed, many lost their lives. They were killed by a callous regime that had little regard for black lives and thought nothing of opening fire on unarmed, uniformed schoolchildren.

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