
Dairy farm ploughs back

A successful North West dairy farm is helping others in the industry to get a foot in the door.  Workers at South Western Dairy in North West.

A father and son, who founded a 100% black-owned dairy business, want to give opportunities to small and emerging farmers in the milk production sector.

Explore poultry farming opportunities

Young people looking to start a business should consider poultry farming. The industry is a growing one, with many opportunities and there is also much support from government. 

Senior researcher at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Dr Nkhane Baldwin Nengovhela says the poultry industry is one of the most advanced sectors in farming worldwide.

Register for COVID-19 vaccine

Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize has urged the elderly to sign up for their Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine.

South Africans do not need airtime, data or money to use the zero-rated services to register on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS).

There are five ways to register on the EVDS:

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