
The world needs to do much more to tackle climate change, and do it faster

The recent catastrophic floods in Libya are a stark reminder of the extreme vulnerability of developing economy countries to the effects of an ever-changing climate.

Many other countries on the African continent are just as vulnerable. Despite carrying the least responsibility for global warming, Africa is warming faster than the rest of the world.

Collaboration inspiring student entrepreneurship

It is important for South African students to partake in entrepreneurial initiatives and opportunities made available to them so that they can be empowered to own businesses. 

Recently, Vuk’uzenzele Newspaper held a dialogue with youth in Kimberly in the Northern Cape through its Vuk Talks initiative, in partnership with the Sol Plaatje University (SPU) as part of their annual Student Entrepreneur Week.

Letters to the editor


Dear Vuk’uzenzele

My name is Oupa Nakana from Limpopo, I am 28-years old.

I run a nursery project in my community which has created five jobs for locals.

We would like our project to grow, we would like to plant more fruit trees and flowers. Please can you advise us on how we can grow our business and funding opportunities.

Kind Regards

Oupa Nakana


Dear Oupa

Thank you for your letter.

Makola empowers village through quality education

A young Limpopo man who never had access to information growing up is making every effort to prevent a similar fate for young people in his area. 

Twenty-seven-year-old Satsope George Makola of Bakoneng village in Limpopo has earned himself hero status in his community for making quality education accessible to learners within the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. Makola is the founder of Lesedi Institute of Education and Development (LIED), an online learning hub he established in 2021 to help learners in his community with digital learning material and online classes.

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