
Join the National Youth Service 

Youth Month

The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) has identified several priority interventions to accelerate pathways into the economy for young people over the next five years. 

Perfect Mlimi saved his stipend for university fees.The PYEI was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2022 as a multi-sector action plan directed at addressing South Africa’s youth unemployment challenge. 

Ensuring child safety in schools

Many children are at risk of being abducted when their parents or guardians are unable to pick them up from school. To address this challenge, two young people have come up with an innovative idea to ensure child safety in schools.

Ntokozo Hlomuka (26) and Keletso Lekwakwe (24) are the founders of PasswordKid, a system that helps to verify parents, transport drivers, or trustees when they pick up children from school.

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