
Work on Basic Income Support is underway

Government is working on a way to develop a mechanism for targeted Basic Income Support (BIS) for the most vulnerable, within the country’s economic constraints.

“This will build on the innovation we have introduced through the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant, including linking the data that we have across government to make sure we reach all those who are in need,” said President Cyril Ramaphosa during the State of the Nation Address (SoNA).

Government commits to funding SMMEs

President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced funding initiatives for small businesses to create jobs and grow established small businesses.

Delivering the State of the Nation Address (SoNA) recently, the President said government plans to provide R1.4 billion to finance over 90 000 entrepreneurs.

In addition, government in partnership with the SA SME Fund is working to establish a R10-billion fund to support small, medium and micro enterprises' (SMME) growth.

SONA in numbers

The State of the Nation Address (SoNA) was recently delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa who provided feedback on government programmes over the previous year.

The President also unveiled new plans for 2023 and beyond. Vuk’uzenzele unpacks the programmes in numbers.


• One and a half million – new jobs created in our economy between the third quarters of 2021 and 2022.

• More than one million – people provided with work and livelihood opportunities by the Presidential Employment Stimulus.

Working towards affordable electricity

The recent announcement of an increase in electricity tariffs comes at an extremely difficult time for citizens and businesses alike, who are already contending with the high costs of fuel, food and other essentials.

It is in this context that I made a call recently for the Eskom board to consider measures that can help to mitigate the impact of the 18.65% increase from an implementation timeframe point of view.

Ending load shedding together

The Sowetan newspaper recently carried a front page headlined ‘Unplugged’, listing many small businesses around the country that have been crippled by the electricity crisis. The closure of these businesses shows some of the devastating impact of persistent load shedding on people’s livelihoods and on their dreams for a better life.

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