
Driver’s license renewal made easier and quicker

Motorists will no longer have to wait in long queues to renew their driver's licences, thanks to the new Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) driver’s license renewal system which saves them time.

“This system dramatically cuts the time it takes to apply for a new driver's licence or temporary driver's licence. It also reduces the application process to less than 10 minutes. We are now also able to verify the identity of the applicant with Home Affairs which helps eliminate identity fraud,” said RTMC General Law Enforcement Manager Sydney Mogaecho.

Maarman ready to be seen through photography

Bradley Maarman (28) has turned his interest in photography into a business after receiving business management training from a non-profit organisation called Mfesane.

As a self-taught photographer, Maarman runs Be Seen Solutions which captures fashion, food, weddings, and family portraits.

Maarman who is from Saldanha Bay in the Western Cape says he had to quit his job in Johannesburg and return to his hometown to take care of his sick grandmother.

How to access drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation centres in your province

Government has intensified its efforts to combat substance and alcohol abuse through intervention programmes in all provinces.

There are Provincial Substance Abuse Forums and Local Drug Action Committees at municipalities to enhance existing community initiatives with knowledge and skills to manage their own prevention work at grassroots level.

The committees are supported by the Central Drug Authority (CDA), which is a government body that consists of experts in medicine, law enforcement and community mobilisation.

Beware of bogus colleges

The mushrooming of illegal colleges and practices is a continuous concern for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), especially at the beginning of the new academic year.

Students who have just completed matric and are desperate for admission to institutions of higher education and training sometimes fall prey to bogus colleges.

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