
Collect your chronic meds from your local Post Office

If you are a patient who receives chronic medication from a government clinic, you can now choose to receive your chronic medication at a nearby post office, instead of collecting it from your clinic.

This is according to the South African Post Office Communications Manager Johan Kruger, who says this collection service is available in eight provinces, at 342 post offices. The service is not offered in the Western Cape.

Kusile to boost Eskom this winter

MORE ELECTRICITY is being generated in South Africa, thanks to three units adding extra power to the national grid. However, Eskom says South Africans must continue to do what they can to reduce their electricity usage.

Eskom’s efforts to ensure there is enough electricity for everyone in South Africa received a boost after Unit 4 of the Kusile Power Station was officially connected to the power system.

EPWP builds brighter futures

The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), which created over one million work opportunities in the past financial year alone, continues to uplift the youth, the poor and the unemployed.

Managed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI), the EPWP created 1 016 646 work opportunities in the 2021/22 financial year, of which 415 897 (40.91%) were for the youth.

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