
MTN offers free digital learning

The free MTN Online School has been launched and is now available to all learners and teachers who need access to official learning material.

The cellular network worked with the Department of Basic Education and the National Education Collaboration Trust to establish this integrated online portal for grade R to 12 learners.

Science centre to sharpen skills

The mathematics and science skills of pupils in rural Eastern Cape schools are set to improve, following the opening of the Albertina Sisulu Science Centre in Cofimvaba.

Daan Jonker of the provincial education department says the multi-million-rand centre will be a mathematics, science and technology education hub. It will have training venues and permanent science exhibitions, and has the potential to serve the wider society within Chris Hani and surrounding districts.

How to grow veggies in a bag

Not having enough space to produce vegetables at home should not stop you from growing your own leafy vegetables. There is another way to grow them successfully.

According to Dr Araya Hintsa, the Agricultural Research Council’s (ARC) Senior Researcher: Crops Science, plants can be grown in a bag system. This is when an old maize meal bag is used to grow food. When vegetables are planted in a bag, they grow vertically upwards, which means less space or land is needed.

Best sheep farmer in Mbhashe municipality 

Sheep farmer Nokwanda Booi (49) never expected to win the best ram farmer award in the Mbhashe Local Municipality Ram Competion.

Booi says she feeds her award-winning sheep a protein energy mineral supplement, which is mixed with grated maize.

“My ram is of a better quality than the other sheep in the village because of its special diet,” says the resident of Zundwane Village in Dutywa in the Eastern Cape.

Booi, who was the only female entrant, won a Dohne Merino ram, animal feed and sheep medication.

Court preparation officers ease the trauma of testifying

People who have lived through an act of violence or sexual assault, or those who have witnessed it, are often further traumatised by the court proceedings that may follow.

Appearing in court to testify as a victim of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) can be intimidating and stressful, but a court preparation officer can help you get ready for the trial.

Thobekile Chuene works as a court preparation officer for the National Prosecuting Authority at the Pietermaritzburg Magistrates’ Court in KwaZulu-Natal.

All you need to know about sexual consent

You may be guilty of committing a sexual offence without even knowing it, if you are not aware of the laws around sexual consent in South Africa.

Before you engage in a sexual activity with anyone, you need to be sure they have given their full consent and are over 16 years of age.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Senior State Advocate Mzoxolo Rusi from the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit, spoke to Vuk’uzenzele to explain sexual consent under South African law.

COVID-19 jab safe for HIV positive people

HIV activist Thandi Maluka (52) is fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and urges other people living with HIV to vaccinate to save their own and others' lives.

Maluka, who is HIV-positive, did not have any complications from the COVID-19 vaccine.

She encourages everyone living with HIV to get vaccinated so that HIV programmes around the country can go back to normal and health practitioners can fully interact with people.

Building a foundation for investment

Normally, this is the time of year when we bring together investors from across the country and around the world for the annual South Africa Investment Conference.

 We held the first Investment Conference in 2018 as part of our ambitious drive to raise R1.2 trillion in new investment over five years. The conference was attended by over a thousand delegates in 2018 and 2019, and in 2020 was held in a hybrid format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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