
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should vaccinate

COVID-19 VACCINATION during pregnancy and breastfeeding is considered safe for both mother and baby.

Although the risk is small, pregnant and postnatal women are at increased risk of severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), compared to non-pregnant women.

According to the Vaccine Ministerial Advisory Committee (VMAC), pregnant women who contract COVID-19 also have an increased risk of preterm birth and other complications.

Youth speak up about vaccination

Four young people from across South Africa share their stories with Vuk'uzenzele on why they choose to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus Disesase (COVID-19).

Bokamoso Molale (23) from Welkom in the Free State received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) jab on 30 April 2021 – earlier than other people his age because he is a medical student.

Vote safely during COVID-19

If we all work together, we can help keep each other safe from COVID-19 on voting day.

With the Local Government Elections set to take place on 1 November, the safety of voters and staff during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a top priority for the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

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