Adults who are older than 21 and want to write the Senior Certificate (SC) exams in 2022 have until the end of January to register. 
The Department of Basic Education (DBE) enables learners with incomplete National Senior Certificate (NSC) results, as well as adult learners who failed their matric exams or dropped out of school, to do a rewrite or study for an equivalent qualification.
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga says that the DBE had identified a need for a qualification for adults that is equivalent to the current NSC, so it introduced the SC.
“Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement subjects will be offered as part of the SC qualification,” she says.
Those who pass the SC exams can qualify to attend university. “As in the case of the NSC exam, they can also qualify for admission to bachelor, diploma or higher certificate programmes at Higher Education institutions,” adds Minister Motshekga.
The following learners will qualify for admission to the SC:
Those who are 21 or older and have a General Education and Training Certificate, or a Grade 9 (previosuly Standard 7) school report stating that you have passed Grade 9 or Standard 7;
Those who have a recognised equivalent qualification obtained at a NQF level;
Adult learners with an incomplete SC or NSC qualification.
Candidates who are 21 years and older, with an incomplete NSC qualification, can choose to complete the NSC, or convert it to the SC. However, the DBE says that, should a candidate choose to convert to the SC, they may not revert to the NSC.
Candidates can write the SC in any of the 11 official languages. Subject choices include agriculture; business, commerce and management studies; human and social studies, mathematics, computer and life sciences.
Registration closes on 31 January 2022.
Candidates may register at any provincial education office, which includes the provincial head office, the district office or a circuit office, or on online at
For more information visit the DBE website: and click on the curriculum tab.