A new crime detection university is on the cards to improve the quality of general and specialised police investigations. 
President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the Crime Detection University will be situated in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria.
He said plans for investment and growth in South Africa would require a safe, stable and crime-free environment.
“It is fundamental to the aspirations of all our people to live in security, peace and comfort,” the President said.
He further said that police visibility, effective training and better resourcing of police stations are part of South Africa’s priorities.
“I prioritised our response to the growing problem of criminal groups that extort money from construction and other businesses.” Specialised units – bringing together the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Authority – are mandated to combat these crimes of economic disruption. Anti-Gang units will be further strengthened, with priority given to the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Free State.
“Following the graduation of 5 000 police trainees last year, 7 000 new police trainees have been enlisted this year to strengthen local policing.” Furthermore, President Ramaphosa said that in order to support growth of the tourism industry, the SAPS will increase visibility at identified tourist attraction sites.
“It is training Tourism Safety Monitors and will establish a reserve police capacity to focus on the policing of tourist attraction areas,” he said.
President Ramaphosa said that the fight against corruption and state capture will continue and that there is a need for South Africans to work together to root out corruption and strengthen the rule of law.
He discouraged citizens from paying bribes or engaging in corrupt acts, saying that South Africans should rather join forces and upgrade the culture of reporting crime when it is being committed as a means to win the fight against corruption.
“We therefore welcome the joint government and civil society working group charged with developing a national anti-corruption strategy and implementation plan, which is close to completion of this phase of its work,” he said.
The President said this strategy would be launched by mid-year. SAnews.gov.za