Oct 2014

Jobs: Government Communication and Information System

POST: Assistant Director: Writer 
DIRECTORATE: Vuk’uzenzele 
SALARY: R270 804 (Excluding benefits) 
CENTRE: Pretoria

The Government Communication & Information System (GCIS) wishes to appoint writers to initiate and produce content for a range of GCIS communications platforms, among which the monthly newspaper, Vuk’uzenzele, and the monthly Public Sector Manager (PSM) Magazine are principal channels.

The successful candidates will be energetic, creative and organised news “junkies” with a proven record in writing for print and online medium. The successful candidates will be passionate about the programme of the South African government, especially as it relates to those South Africans who depend on government information and services for their well-being. The ideal candidates will be equally comfortable producing hard news stories, news features, colour pieces, comment and analysis.


An appropriate three-year degree or equivalent qualifi cation in Journalism.

Proven record of writing for print and online platforms for at least three years. Technical knowledge and experience of the process of news-gathering and writing. Thorough, broad and upto- date knowledge of the news publishing environment. Journalism experience in print and online media, with broadcast experience as an optional advantage. Ability to do minimal sub-editing of own copy and other colleagues. Ability to write analysis and feature articles as well as news for Vuk’uzenzele Newspaper and Public Sector Manager (PSM) Magazine on a monthly basis. Ability to solicit content and liaise with various information providers of levels. Ability to source and write well-researched articles in a fast-paced environment. Ability to come up with own story ideas and contribute to the news diaries for the two publications. Ability to translate government policy and outlook into magazine packages that will be relevant to roles played by Public Sector managers in implementing government programmes. Ability to select stories of local, national and international relevance for Vuk’uzenzele and PSM Magazine.

The ideal candidates will be able to work under pressure and respect set deadlines. Excellent command of the English language, grammar and construction and understands the requirements for effective writing. Ability to use modern electronic systems to convey information: specifically Microsoft Word and Adobe PageMaker or InDesign for the PC. Excellent interpersonal, communication and interviewing skills. Ability to use Social Media platform(s) as part communication and information dissemination channel. Willingness to work irregular hours, on weekends and public holidays. A valid driver’s licence is essential.

Professional writing (both print and electronic forms) for Vuk’uzenzele and Public Sector Manager magazine. Ensure that written articles meet the needs of targeted audiences and deadlines for publications. Contribute towards generation of story ideas for content plans across the business unit. Writing comprehensive news articles and features on government programmes and policies. Sourcing and gather newsworthy articles for Vuk’uzenzele and Public Sector Manager magazine. Actively participate in the editorial meetings and meet with other writers regularly to discuss leads, angles and compare notes about the stories. Liaise regularly with editors.

Ms D Simpson
Tel: (012) 473 0065
CLOSING DATE: 24 October 2014

GCIS is an equal opportunity employer. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department and be accompanied by a comprehensive CV and certifi ed copies of qualifi cations, driver’s license and ID document. (Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the application being disqualifi ed). Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualifi cation verifi cation and employment verifi cation). The successful candidate must disclose to the CEO particulars of all registrable fi nancial interests”. Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Applications should be directed to: The CEO, Government Communication and Information System, Private Bag X745, Pretoria, 0001, for attention: Mr S Matshageng; or hand deliver to: 1035 Tshedimosetso House, Frances Baard Street. Visit our website for more positions in the organisation. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within one month after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Jobs / Vacancies
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