Winning letter - Women are the foundation of the world

My mother once told me that the ability to achieve anything starts with a state of the mind. I feel very honoured to be the daughter of such a strong woman. But it’s not only about my mother. All women around the world are the greatest foundations of the world. – Barbara Luvhengo, Johannesburg, Gauteng
We would like to hear from you
If any of the information published in Vuk'uzenzele has helped you in any way to improve your life, we would love to hear from you. Don't forget to include your telephone or cellphone number and address.
Let's not abandon our cultures
September was Heritage Month, but most of us have abandoned our cultures. The western culture is pulling us like wagons moved by donkeys. This even shows in the food we eat and the clothes we wear. We fail to arrange cultural events to entertain and bring us back home.
The elderly people of today do not have hobbies. All they do is queue in endless lines at clinics fetching medicine. They should use their talents to teach young people about their traditions like dancing, games, storytelling and the do’s and don’ts of the different cultures. Teach them the important recipes of life instead of dying with the knowledge. Young people of this country should learn from the elderly – who are rich with knowledge.
– Ntsoane Rethabile, Mphahlele, Limpopo
Counting our blessings
It is a privilege to live in a habitable country like South Africa; a country that gave birth to fearless leaders who did a tremendous job to save our heritage. It’s a huge pity to see the disasters, political instability and wars that are happening around the world. Just imagine experiencing the Libyan uprising, the drought and starvation in Somalia or being trapped by a huge wall as a result of an earthquake.
God has blessed us, so it is our duty to make sure that our Mzansi remains free and democratic. Let’s use our resources sparingly, nurture our democracy and embrace our differences. May God bless Africa and the rest of the world.
– Jones Mathobela, Ga-Mabiloane, Limpopo
Why ban alcohol advertisements?
I would like to voice my concern regarding the banning of alcohol advertisements. Government is making a big mistake once again by banning such adverts. In the end, the advertising industry will suffer. Did the banning of cigarette ads yield any results?
Instead of banning alcohol advertisements, our authorities should rather use them in a constructive and informative way, by for example notifying people about the dangers of alcohol abuse. Our health and social department authorities should at least educate and promote the change in behaviour to limit alcohol consumption.
– Melusi Radebe, Balfour, Mpumalanga
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If you don’t want your real name published you may use a different name, but please include your real name and address.
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To win a prize you must include a physical address and a contact telephone number.
Prizes that re not claimed within 90 days of publication, will be forfeited.