Live green: Act now! Spread the word at work, home, school and help save our living planet!!!
Greening tips
- Keep your kettle energy friendly
When using a kettle, only boil as much water as you need. It will save electricity and the water will boil faster. - Switch off
Turn off lights when you don’t need them – it saves energy … and reduces your electricity bill! - Use energy saving bulbs
Replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs – they can save up to 80% on your next electricity bill and last up to eight times longer. - Recycle
Recycle everything you can’t reduce or reuse. - Save paper
People worldwide use 1 million tonnes of paper every day. This puts huge pressure on the environment. - Enjoy the sun
Turn your home into a clean power station by fitting solar panels on the roof of your house. - Turn it off
Do not let the water run while shaving, brushing teeth or washing vegetables. Reuse water from washing vegetables to water house plants. - Fix dripping taps
A tap dripping 45 times per minute wastes around 1 000 litres of water a month, the equivalent of 10 baths per year. Fix leaking taps and make sure they are fully turned off. - Hang it out to dry
Electric clothes dryers are energy intensive, so if possible, dry your clothes on a clothes line outside in the sun. If this is not an option, drying throughspinning is 20 times less energy intensive than with heat.