May 2024 2nd edition

Selinah achieves greatness in goat farming

Written by Sihle Manda

With her husband being lactose-intolerant and her children struggling with eczema, in 2011 Selinah Khutso Ntjana searched for dietary and other alternatives for her family.

Her discovery of goat milk through research would ultimately open her entrepreneurial journey doors. Today she farms goats and produces by-products such as hand and body lotions, lip balm, face and body scrubs, bath salt and soap.

She is also an author.

Before this, her interest in farming had been sparked by her husband Phuti.  

“He grew up farming so he introduced me to it… he is the one who made me love goats,” she told Vuk'uzenzele.

While their first attempt at goat farming was a failure, experiencing high mortality in their herd after an unexplained disease, Ntjana was undeterred. 

“He gave up on goat farming that same year. I did more research and went to [get] my certificate in profitable Boer Goat farming. I never stopped learning from then on,” she said. 

It was a decision that would pay dividends in 2014 when the couple decided to give the venture a second attempt. 

The 38-year-old said goat milk and meat are considered healthier alternatives to products from other popular livestock species. 
It was while coming to terms with her children’s eczema and finding milk alternatives for her husband that she learnt of the benefits of goat milk.

“Some individuals may be drawn to goat farming for the health benefits associated with consuming goat products or for the opportunity to produce high-quality, nutritious food for themselves and their communities,” she said. 

She added that her farming journey had given her, “fulfillment in the simple joys of rural life.”

“Tending to my goats, producing my goat milk skincare, and watching the sun rise and set over the fields, brings me a sense of peace and contentment like no other. I may have started as a girl from the township, but now I'm a proud steward of the land, living out my childhood dreams,” beamed the mother of five.

“My three children and I had a problem with sensitive skin and eczema, while my husband is lactose intolerant. I did research about the benefit of goat milk and discovered that it did help us a lot [with the skin conditions].  Goat milk lotion offers a range of benefits for skin health,  making it a popular choice for individuals looking for a natural and gentle skincare solution,” she said. 
Determined to spread the knowledge, Ntjana added the title of author to her name. Her first book, Selinah The Goat is a bedtime storybook. It was followed by My Love For Goats - a beginner’s guide to goat farming.

In March 2024, she launched her third book, Farm Fun, a customised colouring book.

“Creating storybooks for children about agriculture can serve as a valuable tool for education, inspiration, and fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between food, nature, and society,” she said. 

She lauded her husband and children for supporting her through her entrepreneurial journey. 

For more information on Selinah The Goat, you can contact Selinah on 062 752 6550.

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