May 2024 1st edition

Success bubbling for young soap entrepreneur

Written by: Sinovuyo Mfiki


Simangaliso Mokoena is an enterprising young man who has found success in creating his own brand of laundry soap which he produces from home.

Born and raised in Mhluzi, in Middleburg, Mpumalanga the 20-year-old Mokoena infused his strong sense of community values and entrepreneurial spirit from a young age to establish his business - Isimangaliso Pure Soap.

Growing up in a modest household, he witnessed the importance of hard work and determination first-hand,  principles that would later shape his entrepreneurial journey. 

 “I started my business in 2022 while I was in grade 11 with the help of my grandmother. She taught me how to manufacture bar soaps from scratch, I was then able to also use my creativity and make grated soap and gel to also accommodate those who use washing machines,” he said.

While the Mpumalanga entrepreneur has funded the business from his savings, he has submitted a finance assistance application to the National Youth Development Agency.

“I ran the streets of Mhluzi wearing my white T-shirt to try convince people that the product works wonders in keeping your clothes white and clean, since it was hard for them to believe,” said Mokoena.

He added that starting a business is a challenge,  especially for a young black person. 

“People do not normally believe in your product, they would rather buy established brands than support you,” he explained.

Undeterred, he remained faithful and trusted the process.

As an emerging business, Isimangaliso Pure Soap currently employs two people.

“My product is not in markets; I just distribute the product to people that order. Maybe in the near future Isimangaliso Pure Soap will also be on the shelves in shops.” 

He praised his grandmother, adding that she was his biggest supporter after teaching him the craft. 

“In the future I see myself owning a big soap manufacturing company.”

Mokoena said he also dreams of creating job opportunities especially with the high unemployment rate in his community.

For more information about Isimangaliso Pure Soap contact Simangaliso Mokoena on  064 993 5886 or on his Facebook page with the handle Simangaliso Pure Soap.

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