A tank manufacturer is creating job opportunities and reviving industrialisation in Komani in the Eastern Cape. 
Manufacturing company Go Green Roto Moulding, owned by 62-year-old Michael Ntwasa, is using what was once a dilapidated factory to manufacture water and biodegradable tanks that are sold throughout the Eastern Cape.
Ntwasa says Go Green Roto Moulding, which employs 24 permanent employees, makes 72 tanks daily thanks to the assistance it received from the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa) and the Chris Hani Development Agency.
Sefa gave Ntwasa R1.6 million in funding and bought him machinery worth R5.6 million. Sefa also spent R600 000 renovating the building that was given to Go Green Roto Moulding by the Chris Hani Development Agency.
“The assistance from Sefa really made our dream come true. The Chris Hani Development Agency is the one that got us off the ground when they handed us the factory,” Ntwasa says.
Sefa supported Go Green Roto Moulding through its Small Enterprise Manufacturing Support Programme (SEMSP).
Innocent Ndima, the spokesperson for Sefa, says SEMSP provides financial, business development and infrastructure support to small enterprises in the manufacturing industry sub-sectors.
These sub-sectors include furniture manufacturing; metal and steel manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, and agro-processing.
Manufacturers can get up to R15 million in funding from Sefa.
To ensure that the support provided to upcoming manufacturers is not in vain, Ndima says Sefa ensures that government buys its products from local manufacturers.
For more information on the SEMSP, visit www.sefa.org.za or send an email to helpline@sefa.org.za. Alternatively, call Sefa at 012 748 9600.