Mar 2008



TB is a disease that is caused by a germ called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The germ usually attacks the lungs, but can attack any part of the body, like the kidneys, spine and brain. If you do not get proper treatment, you can die fromTB.

How do you know you have TB?

  • If you have been coughing for two weeks or more with or without the following symptoms, you could have TB:
  • sweating at night;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tiredness.

If you suspect you have TB

Go to your local clinic immediately for a free test.

What is MDR-TB?

MDR-TB is a special form of TB that does not respond to ordinary TB treatment. It is difficult to treat and needs specialised medicine. The symptoms of MDR-TB are the same as ordinary TB and it is spread in the same way as ordinary TB.

What is the treatment for MDR-TB?

  • Treatment lasts for two years.
  • A person with MDR-TB stays in hospital for six months or more.
  • For the first six months, injections are given every day.
  • Different pills are also given and must be taken every day.
  • It is important to get all the injections and take all the pills because they work together to kill the germs.
  • Patients must take medicine every day for two years to be cured.

What is XDR-TB?

XDR-TB is another form of TB and it does not respond to treatment for MDR-TB. It is much more difficult to treat because there are fewer medicines that can be used to treat it. The symptoms are the same as ordinary TB and MDR-TB and it is spread in the same way.

What is the treatment for XDR-TB?

  • Treatment lasts for two or more years.
  • A person with XDR-TB stays in hospital for six months or more.
  • For the first six months injections are given every day.
  • Different pills are also given and must be taken every day.
  • It is important to get all the injections and take all the pills because they work together to kill the germs.
  • Patients must take medicine every day for two years to be cured.

TB and HIV and Aids

There is no link between TB and Aids. If you have TB it does not mean that you also have Aids. If you are HIV-positive and have TB, you can still get treatment for TB. If you take your medicine as you are told, your TB can be cured. If you are taking medicine for HIV and Aids, you can safely take TB medicine as well.

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