The festive season is one of the key travel periods in South Africa’s calendar, making it essential to capitalise on the tradition of individuals travelling throughout the country.
Although the festive season is a joyful time, the Department of Tourism advised travellers to be safe by doing the following:
Be mindful of all cultures and traditions
South Africa is a vast melting pot of people and cultures. Learn as much as you can and take time to understand the customs and norms of our rainbow nation. To enhance your experience, always be tolerant and respect diversity while you observe social and cultural traditions and practices.
Watch the weather
The African sun can be intense during Summer. Wear sunscreen and carry enough water to ensure that you stay hydrated, especially when visiting outlying areas.
Help preserve the natural environment
South Africa is renowned for its natural beauty and wildlife. Help the country to protect its fauna and flora by not purchasing products sourced from endangered plants or animals.
Be waterwise
Water is a scarce commodity in many parts of the country and should be used sparingly by all. While tap water is safe to drink, avoid drinking water from rivers and streams.
Use registered guides and operators
While it is safe to travel throughout the country; certain areas however would be best explored through the services of a registered Tour Operator or Tourist Guide.
Observe beach safety
Take care when swimming as rip currents tend to be very strong. Be sure to read and follow any signs at swimming areas.
Buy local:
Support local communities by purchasing goods that are produced in South Africa. That way, you can take a piece of us home with you.
Be safe
Always be alert and make responsible decisions about your safety when travelling. Familiarise yourself with the area you are visiting or staying in and check with your hotel before going for a walk alone. Never hike alone, but rather join a hiking group or friends. Be sure to follow safety tips provided by registered places of accommodation and by local authorities.¥
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