
Young entrepreneur thrives in agro-processing

When Martin Boima could not further his studies after completing matric in 2017, he considered agriculture and agro-processing as a way to secure his future and create employment for fellow residents.

“My mother left my younger brother and I when we were still young, and we were raised by my father. Unfortunately, my father passed away while I was still in matric. There was no way that I could further my studies after completing matric because I now had a younger brother to take care of. I had to look for a job,” he said.

Connect with nature this September

South African National Parks (SANParks), in partnership with Total South Africa and First National Bank, will host the 18th annual SA National Parks Week from 16 to 24 September 2023.

This year SANParks is once again extending SA National Parks Week to include weekends at some of the national parks. Since its inception in 2006, National Parks Week, under the theme 'Know Your National Parks', has seen an influx of over 691 418 day visitors in all participating parks.

Florist embraces her bed of roses

Growing up, Mbali Nkabinde (34), dreamt of becoming a Chartered Accountant. 

The life-long goal was achieved when she graduated with an accounting degree from the University of Johannesburg. 

After working  as trainee accountant, Nkabinde went on on to work for a property management company. 

"While I was working for the property management company, I was really starting to get bored of always doing the same work and I was just not happy. I then embarked on a self-help journey and ended up falling in love with flowers,” she said

Know the status of your land claim


The Chief Land Claims Commissioner, Ms Nomfundo Ntloko, invites all members of communities and individuals who have lodged their land claims with the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights before the cut-off-date of 31 December 1998, who have not been in touch with the commission, to visit the commission’s offices to check the status reports of their outstanding claims (old order claims).

IEC seeks public comment on Electoral Amendment Act regulations

Tourism Month

The Electoral Commission (IEC) in August published a myriad of draft regulations for public comment. 

In a statement, the IEC said these were a sequel to the promulgation of the Electoral Amendment Act.  “The Amendment Act heralds a new framework for the participation of independent candidates in national and provincial elections,” said the Commission. 

There are six published draft regulations; their salient aspects are:

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